Developing the Ability to Communicate
Language is the learned method by which humans communicate thoughts, ideas, and feelings between one another. Whether it is verbal, or non-verbal language, the ability to communicate in multiple forms is very important in expanding the human capacity to understand, and to be understood. Language is a tool, and like every tool, it can be used for the purpose, which it was created, or can be used for something other than what it was created.
As time advances, surrounding environments shapes language. If the majority of people from a certain area speak a certain way, then in this area, this way is considered normal. Perhaps relative to other areas that speak the "same" language, it could be deemed abnormal. The separation between literal meanings and definitions, in relation to intended meanings and definitions is becoming more. The ability to not only speak multiple languages, but also adapt to geographical language styles, or dialects, is highly advantageous.
How is Language communicated? What is/are the system(s) to teach and learn languages?
Language is communicated via speech, which is the use of voice (sound), or in the case of non-verbal language, signs or signals, to articulate, or pronounce, and string these together in a rhythmic format to create fluency. Fluency is the final stage of most languages, which along with the infusion of emotion enable humans to clearly understand, and to be understood. Within most languages, there exists a base system, usually letters or symbols organized within an alphabet. These letters or symbols can be arranged together to create words, which together can create sentences, which together can create passages, and finally together, can create stories, or accounts. This "system" of language, respective to native countries, is how the majority of the world is schooled. (Grateful to the teachers over the world continue to teach these.)
What are the advantages to speak and understand many languages?
From being able to truly connect individually, and within group settings, the ability to communicate in several ways enables one to adapt to differing environments. It is supported over time that speaking multiple languages holds health edges, as well as academic edges. To be multilingual increases memory retention capabilities, minimizes the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's, and enable individuals to remain open-minded to cultural diversity. This is survival in a sense—with language being the main divider between countries, having the ability to communicate, is positively related to the capability to thrive in multiple settings.
Language systems are a good tool in this world, allowing us all as humans, the means to communicate. In all languages, successful communication consists of a balance of giving and a taking. Perhaps the willingness to give up our own thoughts, feelings, and ideas to receive those of another, and vice versa can be very effective in the exchange of communication.