Educate Yourself, Then Eat
Dieting vs "Clean" Eating
Food education is understanding the composition of foods in relation to the nutritional demands of the human body. This is a concept that is frequently ignored, and we often consume food before knowing much about it. In part, this concept of food education is being overshadowed by the high frequency of unhealthy options available on the food market. With vast amounts of money being pumped into food advertising, it becomes challenging for food consumers to gather necessary information to make educated choices in relation to food consumption. As a direct result of a reactive approach towards nourishment, loads of short term as well as potential long term health consequences are ignored and overlooked until problems arise.
What can you do about it?
Educate yourself, and then eat. Understand what your body needs in order to operate at its best and adjust accordingly. Take a proactive approach to food intake, and make the adjustments towards "clean" eating, or commit to periodic dieting. These are two similar, but effective ways to educate yourself about food before making the choice to consume. "Clean" eating has no definite end, while a "diet" is consistently measured during a set period of time in relation to your health goal.
"Clean" eating is a lifestyle choice embracing the idea of eating whole, natural foods, as well as lean proteins and healthy fats. This consists of organic, unprocessed, and unrefined ingredients as opposed to refined ingredients, added sugars, and unhealthy fats. In short, clean eating is a balanced intake of healthy food groups in healthy quantities.
Diet is more often used in reference to restricting certain food groups—usually as a course (periodic dieting)—to realize a health or weight related goal. A diet is strict and presented as limitations of multiple, or certain food groups to obtain your goal. For example, a "no carb, or low carb" as well as "no fat, or low fat" regime would both be considered diets.
Education and understanding of what our bodies require in relation to the composition of foods we eat is vital—and directly related to our state of health.
If you have goals, take a step back, and analyze your current eating habits. Identify what changes need to be made, then educate yourself on the best ways to obtain yours goals.
Whether it be a certain diet, or implementing "clean" eating methods, having a program in place allows you to measure your success on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
In relation to your goal(s), start here:
Identify your goal
Research what kinds of foods are good
Find out what foods are bad in order to avoid.
Break bad habits (added sugars, artificial ingredients, preservatives, unnatural coloring, etc.)
Implement good habits/routines (eat healthy quantities, and don't skip meals!)
Track your Progress
Food education is a valuable and increasingly popular concept as people are being educated of the benefits behind healthier diets and clean eating lifestyle choices.
The way we consume food is the first step towards our health or weight related goals.
We are what we repeatedly eat.